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Best Time To Mow Lawn: Everything You Need To Know

Writer: TediousTedious

Best Time To Mow Lawn: Everything You Need To Know

A beautiful, lush green, well-manicured lawn doesn't just happen; it isn't an overnight miracle! It requires a lot of hard work and proper lawn care techniques, including watering, fertilizing, and mowing the grass regularly. Amongst all the key jobs to maintain the lawn, most of the lawn owners struggle with a common question concerning the Best Time To Mow Lawn and How To Choose Right Lawnmower.

Well, there are several opinions on this. Some people say it doesn't matter, while others say it does! Moreover, many believe that the most appropriate time to mow the lawn is whenever one is at home to do so.

But, if you ask the lawn care professionals, they would say that there is an optimal time to mow the lawn. And, it plays a pivotal role in keeping the grass healthy.

So, if you are also juggling with the same question, read on to get the answer!

Early Morning Isn't Best Time To Mow Lawn

Early Morning Isn't Best Time To Mow Lawn

If you mow your lawn early in the morning, it isn't going to benefit at all! Perhaps, early morning is the worst time to do this job as the morning dew is still there to cover the grass. It goes hard on your lawn mowing machine; thus, it cuts the grass poorly. It can even tear the grass, creating a path for fungus and other diseases to cause infection. So, avoid mowing the lawn in the early morning.

Mid Morning Is The Optimum Time To Mow The Lawn

The lawn care pros believe that the best time to mow the lawn is in the mid-morning, or between 8 and 10 a.m. The reason is, the grass needs sunlight to dry and heal before the dawn. If you cut the grass when it is too hot, it will burn it out. Also, when the sun is higher in the sky, the grass has dried out from irrigation or early morning dew. So, if you have the flexibility to choose the best time to mow lawn consider mowing in mid-morning.

Mid Morning Is The Optimum Time To Mow The Lawn

If you don't have enough time to mow the grass yourself, a professional lawn mowing service is worth considering. They are experts in this field and know how to mow a lawn correctly to get the best results.

Besides, hiring a good lawn care service protects you from liabilities. Lawn mowing requires due diligence, and there are several events that might happen due to inadequate measures or misused lawnmowers. By hiring a professional to cut the grass, you can rest assured that you are no longer liable to any issues.

If You Mow The Lawn In The Mid Day

If You Mow The Lawn In The Mid Day

Though it is safe to mow the lawn in the mid-day, it isn't the optimal time to consider. If you mow during the hottest part of the day, you only stress out the turf. However, if you aren't cutting more than the top third portion of the grass, you are safe. But, if you need to cut more than that, there might be a risk of burning the lawn.

Late Afternoon Is Another Best Time To Mow Lawn

Late Afternoon Is Another Best Time To Mow Lawn

The second best time to cut grass is in the late afternoon, between 4 and 6 p.m. At that time, the temperature has cooled down, which makes mowing less stressful on the grass. There is no risk of lawn burning. Moreover, the grass will have sufficient time to recover before night falls. Cutting the grass in the late afternoon also helps prevent fungal diseases.

Avoid Mowing In The Late Evening Or Nighttime Hours

Cutting too late in the evening is as bad as mowing in the early hours of the day. As the night starts settling in, so does the dew. And, the freshly cut grass is more exposed to the fungal diseases or infection during this time. So, avoid mowing the lawn in the late evening or night time.

Now that you know the best time to mow the lawn, you won't make your lawn prone to diseases or infection. Hire the professionals who use the right equipment to give your lawn the freshest cut.


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