If you need to create a new lawn or replace an old one, there is no better way to get it established than by installing sod. But, many of the lawn owners consider laying down grass sod the hardest yard task. However, don’t be daunted; sod installation doesn’t have to be difficult if you follow some expert tips and know which mistakes to avoid.
As your lawn is the centerpiece of your exteriors, it is essential to plant cod correctly. Here’s how to install sod and increase the overall appeal you home-
A Step By Step Guide On How To Install Sod
Before you start, you need to get clear on why to lay sod instead of seeding. One reason is a seeded lawn can take months before it can bear the foot traffic. Second, it requires the same prep time, but several weeks of extra maintenance. Besides, seed lawns need patching later on, and a lot of water to establish.

On the other hand, anytime during the growing season is perfect for laying sod, spring and fall are the best though. A seed is best planted in spring, while fall planting is a bit tough. Thus, if you factor in extra water needed to plant seeds or expenses to patch the lawn later, sod is a good investment.
Let’s see how to install sod in easy ways-
Start With A Cleaned, Levelled Soil Surface
The first step is to prepare the soil to encourage a fast rooting process. Use quality topsoil the existing soil, and turn it loosely to depth to help promote growth using a garden fork or a spade. Make sure that the area to be covered is free from stones, sticks, weeds, and clogged soil. Pull all the debris to one corner of the area so that you can dispose of it easily.
Common Lawn Failure Mistakes
Some of the common mistakes that cause lawn failure are as under:
Soil compaction
Too much or too little water
Poor turf grass selection
Poor mowing practices, etc.
To avoid these mistakes, evaluate the lawn area to see how much light it receives. Inspect the irrigation system. Get soil tests to find what doses the soil lack so that you can use the right fertilizers. You can look for professional on-demand lawn care services for lawn maintenance advice, snow removal or mowing services, etc.
Borrow Or Rent A Garden Rake To Till The Soil

Whether you want to remove the old lawn or leave it, your next step is tilling. It breaks up the soil to let the new sod’s roots reach deep. Using the garden rake, drag it through the soil to produce fine till. As leaving hills or valleys in dirt can complicate the mowing process, don’t forget to level the soil and pay attention to the areas adjacent to sidewalks and curbs. Remember that the sod that rests too high next to concrete will dry out and eventually dry.
Apply Fertilizer
The next step on how to lay artificial grass is to apply turf-free fertilizer to provide essential nutrients to the soil. It is best to spread fertilizer immediately before laying sod.
Lay Down The Sod
Start laying the sod down a straight edge of the soil you’ve prepared, and continue until a row is complete. The individual rows of sod should be closely butted together. But, make sure that they don’t overlap. As you finish the first row, start the second with a half-cut before you work down alongside the first row. This pattern will promote strong bonding. Repeat the same pattern until you cover the entire prepared area.
Water The Sod Thoroughly

Take a rake and push down on all the joining edges of the sod. Water the lawn as soon as you’ve laid the sod down. Allow it to soak for the next five to seven days. Water early in the morning or before the night falls.
Now that you know some easy steps on how to plant a sod, the entire process is so simple! By following these tips and maintaining the lawn afterward, you’ll be able to achieve that sprawling lush green yard in your exteriors.