Saint Augustine is counted among the most commercially valuable lawn grasses. It's known by various names in different countries, such as Buffalo turf in Australia and Buffalo grass in South Africa. Although its thick, carpet-like sod looks excellent on a lawn, it requires significantly high maintenance.

If you are thinking of having this amazing choice for your lawn, some fundamental insights to its plantation and maintenance will help greatly. The article features everything you need to know for the successful growth of St Augustine grass.
Plan in Advance for the Plantation of St Augustine Grass
Just like any particular vegetation, Saint Augustine grass also requires planning the procedure ahead of the plantation season.
If you're planning to get a new St Augustine lawn, it would be best if you start the preparations in March or April. One of the basic requirements for the growth of the grass is well-drained soils and warmer temperatures. The warmth of spring and summer with 80-100 Degree Fahrenheit temperatures serves as the best condition for its growth.
Examine the Condition of the Soil
Soil examination is an essential practice that helps in the optimization of the growth of the Augustine grass. Not only it helps in preventing future cultivation problems, but it also gives a deep insight into the nutritional balance of the soil.
It would help if you used the appropriate tools and equipment to test the condition of the soil. Also, make sure that the soil is neither too dry nor too wet. If you see 2-3 earthworms after digging at least 6 inches in the ground, it's a good sign. The absence of worms signifies that the soil doesn't have enough nutrients for the growth of the grass.
The Correct Way to Sow the Grass
As mentioned earlier, April and May are the best months to plant the grass. It offers significant exposure to sunlight and warm temperatures, which is a basic necessity for its growth. Moreover, it needs to be planted at least 90 days before the first estimated fall frost.
The process of sowing of St Augustine grass is simple. It would help if you threw 1-2 inches plug for every 12-inches of soil.
Note: Instead of plugging the grass in a square grid, it would be best if you sway it in a diamond-shaped pattern.
Timely Watering of the Lawn
The process of watering the garden is a crucial step for the gradual growth of the grass. It would help if you had a fundamental insight into what amount of water is necessary for the sprigs. Not only will it prevent you from overwatering and damaging the sprigs, but it also saves a lot on the water bills.
The side effect of growing anything in summer is you might have to face water scarcity if you’re living in a city. As a result, you might find yourself watering the grass less frequently.
Make sure that you increase the session of watering the grass. It would be best if you allow 3/4 inch of water in the last weeks of May.
Avoid Over-Watering the Grass
Over-watering Saint Augustine grass can lead to massive complications. It may also hinder the successful growth of the grass. Shallow-roots, growth of weed, disease, and pest infestation are some of its side effects.
Also. the maintenance of the St Augustine lawn is a bit demanding procedure. If needed, you can download the lawn care app and take the help of professional lawn movers in your area.
Mowing Height
The height at which you choose to mow your lawn is entirely your choice. But you might be compromising the integrity of the grass if you are cutting it too close to the ground.
Generally, the correct height of mowing the grass is around 3-4 inches from the ground. If you choose to go beyond three inches, it can also result in its uprooting.
Seeding the Grass
The need to purchase it from a shop is a thing of the past. There was a time when you would have needed seeds for St Augustine grass, but not anymore!
Today, St Augustine Sprigs are readily available at your local nursery. Also, a nursery of the grass is a better option as it reduces the hassle of seeding and starting from scratch.
Lawn Fertilization
St Augustine grass demands good quality services and a yearlong fertilization program. So, you might've to work extra hard to ensure that it keeps looking its best. Failing to do so may result in the fading of its color, its overall health, and liveliness.
Make sure that you fertilize it with good-quality fertilizers and follow the application guidelines, as mentioned by the manufacturers. Avoid over-fertilization as it may severely damage your lawn. It would be best if you initiate the process of fertilization from the month before the arrival of winters.
Iron Supplements
Iron is one of the essential ingredients responsible for the natural growth of St Augustine grass. If the grass looks pale even after providing an adequate amount of water and sun exposure, it implies the deficiency of iron.
It would be best if you use a high-quality iron supplement on the grass. Twice the application of iron supplements in spring or fall works wonder for its health and prosperity.
Prevent Lawn Diseases
Brown patches on the leaves are a clear sign of lawn diseases. Well, there are different ways to control the situation. It includes cutting the grass higher, aerating the lawn, and avoiding fertilization during this outbreak. It would be best if you restrict the watering of the lawn only to the morning. You can also consider the use of wetting agents.
Thatch Control
The development of thatches is a serious concern for any lawn owner. But the matter is even severe for people with St Augustine grass lawn. It is so as the de-thatching of Augustine lawns by Vertimowing is a difficult task to pull-off. As compared to other lawn grasses, it has no underground runners to repair from.
To counter the condition, it would be best if you mow it lower than the normal at least 1-2 times a year in early spring or fall.
There are no questions about the beauty of St Augustine grass in a lawn. The fact that it requires ultimate precision in the successful plantation and gradual growth of the grass, it demands a serious commitment to its services.